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Trinity Lawler 302 591 Sachs Foundation
Trinity Lawler

Trinity Lawler

After the hustle and bustle of Thanksgiving is done, it’s important to remember what we are most thankful for. At Sachs, we are grateful for the opportunity to give back to our community, our staff who work relentlessly to expand educational opportunities for Black Coloradans, and the people we meet along the way like our Sachs intern, Trinity Lawler. An exceptional addition to our team, Trinity is a high school senior that excels at our office and in our Elevated program.

Senior year is always a busy time, but for Trinity, she crams her schedule full of extra-curriculars. Adding to being a Sachs intern and Elevated student, she also makes time to be involved in Peak Education, Student Council, Minds Matter, Girl Scouts, National Honor Society, and Senior Student Government. When asked about her experience with Elevated, she said, “Elevated is the best thing I have ever been a part of. Between the college trips and group outings, I have learned so much about myself and my peers. It has also taught me that I always have people who have my back.” Expanding on her time in the program, she recalled, “My favorite memory during my time in Elevated would have to be when our bus broke down on a college trip to New Mexico for six hours! That was definitely bonding time for us.”

Although Trinity is incredibly involved at her school and in her community, she still finds time for activities she enjoys. “School takes up a lot of my time, but I do enjoy gardening, plant shopping, and planning events for my high school! Perhaps the hobby that takes up the most of my time would be taking care of my baby brother.”

With such a driven personality, one might wonder who inspires Trinity and keeps her focused. “My role model is my cousin Isabel. She is one of the best people I have in my life. For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to be just like her, and I still do. Isabel is the most beautiful soul, and I can’t imagine what my life would be like without her.”

With Trinity working as an intern and being involved in Elevated, it’s easy to imagine how often she ends up spending time with our staff. When asked why she wanted to be an intern, Trinity responded, “I am the type of person to want to know the ins and outs on how things work, and being an intern for the Sachs Foundation allows me that privilege of how Elevated works.” Luckily, she doesn’t mind hanging out with our staff. “My favorite part of this internship has been the environment of the office itself and the people apart of it. Whenever I have a stressful day at school, the Sachs office makes me feel so much better and at ease.” (And we’re lucky because she does the same for us!) During her few months at Sachs, Trinity made some interesting discoveries through her internship. “The most interesting things I have learned is that, one, there are A LOT of past Sachs Foundation scholars, and two, envelopes might need more stamps if they are above a certain weight. I had no idea!”

While the foundation enjoys having Trinity around, we’re excited to see her excel as she starts her college journey after graduation in 2023. Post-graduation, Trinity plans to attend Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, Texas, to become a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner. Her dream job is to be a psychiatrist; however, she believes being a Psychiatric NP is more up her alley. When asked what she is most excited about after high school, Trinity gave such a heartwarming answer. “I am looking forward to building myself up and making the best life possible for my little brother and I.” That answer sums up who Trinity is; a phenomenal Elevated senior and intern who exemplifies selflessness and drive. We are so thankful to have her on our team!